Issue: 6, 12/30/23

Year: 2023

Research Articles

Van Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (ViSBiD), published electronically, is an academic and peer-reviewed journal that includes original scientific research papers in the fields of humanities and social sciences.
Academic and ethical values are seen as the main purpose in the functioning of the journal, and a transparent, independent and objective process is adopted as a principle.

Articles with good scientific quality, contributing to the field, presenting academic knowledge with current problems, new approaches and theoretical background are first published after the evaluation of the Editorial Board and then the relevant referees.

ViSBiD accepts articles written in Turkish and English.

Authors submitting their work to Van Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences -ViSBiD are required to meet the following ethical principles.
1. It is expected that the articles sent to the Van Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences are original and free of plagiarism. Before the article is sent to the journal, a plagiarism report should be obtained by the author using software from utilities (such as IThenticate, Turnitin). The article should be sent to the journal together with this report. The articles are evaluated together with these reports by the Editorial Board. Articles with a similarity rate of 20% or more will not be evaluated. Due to the high similarity rate, the article is rejected by the editorial board. If a published article is later proven to be within the context of plagiarism, it will be removed from the website and the articles that the related author(s) will send to the journal for five years will not be evaluated.
2. The similarity reports of the articles decided to be sent to the referees by the Editorial Board are also sent to the referees and the referees are expected to consider this issue.
3. In case of papers presented orally at the symposia but not published in the book, and publications from theses, this should be clearly stated with a footnote. Works published in different languages should not be translated into Turkish and sent to the journal to be reprinted.
4. When plagiarism is detected in the studies, the editor of the journal has the authority to take the necessary sanctions. Studies may be rejected for this reason. In case of suspicion of plagiarism about a published article, Van Humanitarian and Social Sciences Journal will remove the article from its web access page and initiate the necessary investigation and notify the relevant institutions and authorities and the directories that scan the journal.
5. Persons who appear as authors in articles with more than one author must have made a significant contribution to the study. "Gift writing" given to non-contributors and "ghost writing" that does not include the names of contributors cannot be accepted.
Acceptance of publications produced from theses and projects is subject to the consent of the advisor or the director, and waiver when necessary.
6. It is essential to declare the institutions that contributed financially and supported the study in the acknowledgment section.
7. Van Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences requires the permission document for studies that require ethical approval, and gives the institution where the approval was obtained, the date and issue number of the document in the article. It should be stated in the candidate article that ethics committee approval has been obtained for studies that require data collection from the participants, such as questionnaires, scales, interviews, observations, audio and video recordings, and which are based on field research. Evidence of sensitivity to ethical issues during the data collection process should be presented in the study.
8. Authors are expected to submit their previously unpublished work to the journal. It is unacceptable for a submitted work to be simultaneously submitted to another journal.
9. It is not acceptable to send the results of a research in slices in more than one publication format.
10. Authors are obliged to submit the raw data of their research when requested by the editor and referees and keep them after their articles are published.
11. When an author detects a material error or inaccuracy in his article published in ViSBiD, he must immediately notify the journal editor and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the article.

ViSBiD does not charge any fees for published articles.

ViSBiD, MLA ve Crossref tarafından indekslenmektedir. Ayrıca Index Copernicus takip sistemine alınmıştır.